Home Automation Projects

LEED Home - Loveladies, NJ
We're involved in all aspects of this project; including home automation, security, fire detection, distributed audio, solar hot water and solar electric.
Front View of House
Solar Electric Panels
Solar storage tank 2
SunMaxx Solar Domestic Hot Water Flat Plate Collectors
Home Automation System - Long Beach Island, NJ
This project involved an entire home automation system including heating and cooling, security, distributed audio, fire detection, security cameras, touchscreens and wireless internet access.
HAI Access control keypad with door strike
Club Metro USA - Phillipsburg, NJ
We installed complete audiovideo distribution system to over 60 cardio machines, cctv, 8 tv monitors, and audio system throught gym.
Club Metro USA Main Entrance
Sphere Audio Speaker
Distribution Hub - Neatness Counts!
Cardio Deck With Video Displays
t: 888-622-4623
o: 732-295-5300
f: 732-295-8286
e: info@mccsmarthomes.com